B.Eng (Laurea in Ingegneria) in Computer Engineering from the Università della Calabria. (UNICAL)
Thesis: A study on technological solutions for the analysis and classification of human activities based on M2M communication systems and models; Abstract
On my way to graduate with a Master's Degree (Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria) in Computer Engineering for the Internet of Things at Università della Calabria (UNICAL)
Dripping Sin, Guitar/Voices (Thrash/Alt. Metal)
Soundcloud stuff (Covers, electronic, instrumentals)
antima.it (2019 - Present), a website that I manage and in which I write, mainly about programming and computer engineering.
Harlock v0.5.0 (2022 - Present), a small interpreted language that can be used as a DSL for hex/elf files manipulation.
Moody (2021 - Present), a WSAN architecture for managing local-first intranet of things networks for home automation purposes.
CompEngIoT-UnicalStudentsOrg (2021), a smart-building system capable of monitoring and managing indoor environments for COVID-19 prevention purposes.
This project got published as a chapter for the Edge Intelligence Against COVID-19: A Smart University Campus Case Study (2023) book, Springer Cham ed.
shimmer-listener (2021 - Present), a library to process bluetooth data from a shimmer2 runnning tinyos.
Arm wheels for various arm architectures, containing pre-built wheels for lots of widely used python libraries. They can be searched from the section below.
AVR register mappings and ISR support for nim, a collections of mappings and utilities for various AVR-based chips (mainly ATMega ones), inspired from the avr-gcc internals.
My linux utilities, a collection of scripts to automate stuff, mainly docker related.
Automated digitalocean configuration for a moody based backend with docker swarm.
The shimmer-listener documentation page.
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